Got comments from the reviewer, our Research Paper Publications professionals will take over and assist you with everything necessary to resubmit your document. Re-evaluation will be done by our specialists afterward.
Resubmission service is not a part of every budget plan. If you want to avail a resubmission support, click below and get a quote.
Every journal has its own submission format, and our expert will format your paper according to your target journal’s instructions for authors. Our expert will also draft a journal submission cover letter addressed to the editor.
Buy Journal Submission services as part of our Publication Support Packs and ensure a worry-free submission journey.
End-to-end publication-focused support for up to two journals
High-end publication support, including a complete techical review
Over 97% of researchers believe that pre-submission peer review service improved the quality of their last published paper by identifying scientific errors and missing and inaccurate references.
Yes, our research paper editing service specifically provides a journal selection service in which our expert editors will examine your manuscript and select a preferable journal for your work. Similarly, one of the best services we have is to reexamine your manuscript and provide a resubmission journal service so that your work can be published with the best services at ISI.
We at journal article editing services provide affordable costing based on the services you acquire and never charge extra or hidden charges. We also give different discounts based on the work, and it helps our manuscript editors towards resolving your issues with premium quality work.
The resubmission service is significantly available for 12 months. You can contact our article editing services whenever you want. The resubmission service includes other services as well; it all depends on your chosen plan, and we only provide quality services.
Yes, our scientific editing services provide publication support. We are at the center of research and publications and have a long list of satisfied clients with significant publications. Our science editing assistance provides different publication services based on different plans, and one common factor is never compromising on our quality.
Many factors depend on manuscript submission like journal match, quality content, proofreading, and editing. Although journal editing services provide these quality services, if your manuscript is rejected due to any given factor, we are readily available to provide you with resubmission and unlimited services so that your work can be submitted.